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Working as a social media manager: Things to know

These modern times we are living in are allowing us to travel using VR, bet online with betting welcome bonuses, and even work online as a social media manager. Working as a social media manager is an amazing opportunity to get paid to manage the online presence of big companies. Social media is a relatively new phenomenon with many great uses for organizations big and small — and no matter where you fall in that spectrum, there’s a lot to know about it. But working as social media manager isn’t always easy. There are a few things you should know before trying to become one. Read this article to see if social media management is right for you.

What does a social media manager do?

The job of a social media manager is to manage a company’s social media accounts—such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.—in order to promote their brand, build relationships with their audience, and gain followers. A social media manager engages with the audience and makes sure to respond to any customer questions or issues on the page. A social media manager also keeps an eye on what people are saying about the company and its products.

A good social media manager needs to understand what makes posts popular enough that they get shared by people. A successful social media manager also needs to be familiar with how different audiences communicate on social platforms so they can tailor posts accordingly.

Skills you need to have

The job of a social media manager can include posting updates and content, creating campaigns, managing responses, and tracking the results of social media efforts. If you’re thinking about becoming a social media manager, here are some skills you need to succeed in the role:

An understanding of social media platforms: You’ll need to know how to use popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Copywriting skills: You’ll spend a lot of time writing posts and coming up with interesting content for your followers and subscribers.

Graphic design skills: You may also be responsible for creating graphics that accompany your posts. If this is the case, having graphic design experience will help.

Social listening skills: Being able to listen and respond to your audience on social media is key!

Marketing experience: Because you’ll be working with marketing teams, you should have an understanding of marketing concepts.

Job outlook and salary

Another thing you should know is how much you can expect to make as a social media manager. The average base salary for a social media manager is $50,000 per year. Some companies offer benefits like health insurance, 401k matching, and profit sharing—so make sure you ask what kind of benefits the company offers if you get an interview!

Finally, let’s talk about job outlook. According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), social media management jobs are expected to grow by 11% over the next 10 years—which means there will be plenty of opportunities for people who want them!

Social media management can be a rewarding career for people who are looking for work-life balance or want something different.